Webster's English Dictionary

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1. won.der \'w*n-d*r\ n [ME, fr. OE wundor; akin to OHG wuntar wonder] 1a: 
   a cause of astonishment or surprise : MARVEL  1b: MIRACLE  2: the quality, 
   sense, or a state of exciting amazed admiration  3: a feeling of doubt or 
2. wonder aj : WONDROUS, WONDERFUL : as  archaic  : MAGICAL, MIRACULOUS  : 
   effective or efficient far beyond anything previously known or anticip ated 
   {~ drugs}
3. wonder \-d(*-)rin\ \-d*r-*r\ vb or won.der.ing 1a: to be in a state of 
   wonder : MARVEL  1b: to feel surprise  2: to feel curiosity or doubt  : to 
   be curious or in doubt about  - won.der.er n