Webster's English Dictionary

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cu.ri.ous \'kyu.r-e--*s\ aj [ME, fr. MF curios, fr. L curiosus careful, 
   inquisitive, fr. cur]a cure archaic  1a: made carefully  obs  1b: ABSTRUSE  
   archaic  1c: precisely accurate  2a: marked by desire to investigate and 
   learn  2b: marked by inquisitiveness about other's concerns : PRYING  3: 
   exciting attention as strange or novel : ODD er desire to learn and may or 
   may not suggest objectionable intrusiveness or officiousness; INQUISITIVE 
   implies habitual impertinent curiosity usu. about things secret or 
   unrevealed; PRYING implies officious or busy meddling esp. in personal 
   affairs - cu.ri.ous.ly av SYN syn INQUISITIVE, PRYING: CURIOUS always 
   implies an eag