Webster's English Dictionary

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1. feel \'fe-(*)l\ \'felt\ vb or felt;  or feel.ing [ME felen, fr. OE 
   fe-lan, akin to OHG fuolen to feel, L Xpalpare to caress, and perh. to Gk 
   pallein to brandish - more at POLEMIC 1a1: to touch in order to have a 
   tactile sensation  1a2: to examine or test by touching  1b: to perceive by 
   a physical sensation coming from discrete end organs (a s of the skin or 
   muscles) 2a: to undergo passive experience of  2b: to suffer from  3: to 
   ascertain by cautious trial - often used with out  4a: to have an awareness 
   of  4b: BELIEVE, THINK  1a: to receive or be able to receive a tactile 
   sensation  1b: to search for something with the fingers  2: to be conscious 
   of an inward impression, state of mind, or physical con dition 3: to seem 
   esp. to the sense of touch  4: to have sympathy or pity 
2. feel n 1: the sense of touch  2: SENSATION, FEELING  3a: the quality of 
   a thing as imparted through touch  3b: typical or peculiar quality or 
   atmosphere  4: intuitive knowledge or ability