Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. distant               
1. far \'fa:r\ \-th*r\ \'f*r-\ \-th*st\ av or far.ther or fur.ther;  or 
   far.thest;  or fur.thest [ME fer, fr. OE feorr; akin to OHG ferro far, OE 
   faran]to go - more at FARE 1: at or to a considerable distance in space  2: 
   by a broad interval : WIDELY  3: to or at a definite distance, point, or 
   degree {as ~ as I know)> 4a: to an advanced point or extent : a long way  
   4b: to a great extent : MUCH {~ better methods}  5: at a considerable 
   distance in time  : GREATLY  : DECIDEDLY  - by far 
2. far aj or farther or further;  or farthest;  or furthest 1a: remote in 
   space : DISTANT  1b: distinctly different in quality or relationship {a ~ 
   cry from  earlier policies} 1c: remote in time  2a: LONG {a ~ journey}  2b: 
   of notable extent : COMPREHENSIVE  3: the more distant of two