1. sur.prise \s*(r)-'pri-z\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. surprendre to take over,
surprise, fr. sur- + p]rendre to take - more at PRIZE 1a: an attack made
without warning 1b: a taking unawares 2: something that surprises 3: the
state of being surprised : ASTONISHMENT
2. surprise also sur.prize vt 1: to attack unexpectedly; also : to capture
by an unexpected atta ck 2a: to take unawares 2b: to detect or elicit by a
taking unawares 3: to strike with wonder or amazement because unexpected
ERGAST mean to impress forcibly through unexpectedness. SURPRISE differs
from the other words in applying specifically to events causing an effect
by taking unawares rather than by being essentially startling in quality;
ASTONISH implies surprising so greatly as to seem incredible; ASTOUND
stresses the shock of astonishment; AMAZE suggests an effect of
bewilderment; FLABBERGAST stresses an astounding and dumbfounding - n SYN syn SURPRISE, ASTONISH, ASTOUND, AMAZE, FLABB