abase \*-'ba-s\ \-'ba--sm*nt\ vt [ME abassen, fr. MF abaisser, fr. a- (fr.
L ad-) + (ass]umed) VL bassiare to lower archaic 1: LOWER, DEPRESS 2:
DEGRADE, HUMBLE suggests losing or voluntarily yielding up dignity or
prestige; DEMEAN implies losing or injuring social standing by an
unsuitable act or association; DEBASE implies a deterioration of moral
standards or character; DEGRADE suggests the taking of step downward
sometimes in rank but more often on the road to moral degeneration;
HUMILIATE implies the severe wounding of one's pride and the causing of
deep shame - abase.ment n SYN syn DEMEAN, DEBASE, DEGRADE, HUMILIATE: ABASE