Webster's English Dictionary

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de.press \di-'pres\ \-*-b*l\ \-in-le-\ vt [ME depressen, fr. MF depresser, 
   fr. L depressus, pp. of d]eprimere to press down, fr. de- + premere to 
   press obs  1: REPRESS, SUBJUGATE  2a: to press down  2b: to cause to sink 
   to a lower position  3: to lessen the activity or strength of  4: SADDEN, 
   DISCOURAGE  5: to lessen in market value MDEPRESS implies a failure to 
   withstand or bear up under a weight and stresses the resulting state of 
   lowered activity or of dullness or dejection {depressed by failure} OPPOSE 
   emphasizes the weight that is pressing down and that may or may not be 
   successfully borne or withstood {oppressed by sorrow} - de.press.ible aj 
   SYN syn DEPRESS, OPPRESS mean to press or weigh down heavily,