Webster's English Dictionary

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ad.ven.tur.ous \*d-'vench-(*-)r*s\ aj 1: disposed to seek adventure or to 
   cope with the new and unknown  2: characterized by unknown dangers and 
   risks  RASH, RECKLESS, FOOLHARDY mean exposing oneself to danger more than 
   required by good sense. ADVENTUROUS implies a willingness to accept risks 
   but not necesarily imprudence; VENTURESOME applies chiely to acts and 
   carries a stronger suggestion of imprudence; DARING stresses fearlessness 
   in courting danger; DAREDEVIL stresses ostentation in daring; RASH suggests 
   imprudence and lack of forethought; RECKLESS implies heedlessness of 
   probable consequences; FOOLHARDY suggests a recklessness that is 
   inconsistent with good sense - ad.ven.tur.ous.ly av SYN syn ADVENTUROUS,