Webster's English Dictionary

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prob.a.ble \'pra:b-(*-)b*l\ \'pra:b-(*-)ble-, 'pra:b-le-\ aj [ME, fr. MF, 
   fr. L probabilis, fr. probare to test, approve, prove]- more at PROVE 1: 
   supported by evidence strong enough to establish presumption but not pr oof 
   {a ~ hypothesis} 2: establishing a probability {~ evidence}  3: likely to 
   be or become true or real {~ events} may become true or actual. PROBABLE 
   applies to what is supported by evidence that is strong but not conclusive; 
   POSSIBLE applies to what lies within the known limits of performance, 
   attainment, nature, or mode of existence of a thing or person regardless of 
   the chances for or against its actuality; LIKELY differs from PROBABLE in 
   implying either more superficial or more general grounds for judgment or 
   belief - prob.a.bly av SYN syn PROBABLE, POSSIBLE, LIKELY mean such as may 
   be or