Webster's English Dictionary

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1. an.nex \*-'neks, 'an-.eks\ \.an-.ek-'sa--sh*n\ \-shn*l, -sh*n-*l\ 
   \-sh(*-)n*st\ vt [ME annexen, fr. MF annexer, fr. OF, fr. annexe joined, 
   fr. L] annexus, pp. of annectere to bind to, fr. ad- + nectere to bind 1: 
   to attach as a quality, consequence, or condition  archaic  2: to join 
   together materially : UNITE  3: SUBJOIN, APPEND  4: to incorporate (a 
   country or other territory) within the domain of a state 5: to obtain or 
   take for oneself  - an.nex.a.tion n
2. an.nex \'an-.eks, -iks\ n : something annexed or appended; as  : an 
   added stipulation or statement : APPENDIX  : a subsidiary or supplementary 
   structure : WING