Webster's English Dictionary

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1. join \'jo.in\ \'jo.i-n*-b*l\ vb [ME joinen, fr. LF joindre, fr. L 
   jungere - more at YOKE] 1a: to put or bring together so as to form a unit 
   {~ two blocks of  wood with glue} 1b: to connect (as points) by a line  1c: 
   ADJOIN  2: to put or bring into close association or relationship {~ed)X in 
   marriage} 3: to engage in (battle)  4a: to come into the company of {~ed us 
   for lunch}  4b: to associate oneself with {~ed the church}  1a: to come 
   together so as to be connected {nouns ~ to form compou nds} 1b: ADJOIN {the 
   two estates ~}  2: to come into close association or relationship : as  2a: 
   to form an alliance {~ed to combat crime}  2b: to become a member of a 
   group  2c: to take part in a collective activity {~ in singing}MASSOCIATE, 
   RELATE mean to bring or come together into some manner of union. JOIN 
   implies a bringing into contact or conjunction of any degree of closeness; 
   COMBINE implies some merging or mingling with corresponding loss of 
   identity of each unit; UNITE implies somewhat greater loss of separate 
   identity; CONNECT suggests a loose or external attachment with little or no 
   loss of identity; LINK may imply strong connection or inseparability of 
   elements still retaining identity; ASSOCIATE stresses the mere fact of 
   frequent occurrence or existence together in space or in logical relation; 
   RELATE suggests a connection based on some logical principle such as cause 
   and effect or subordination {relate one event to another} - join.able aj 
2. join n : JOINT