Webster's English Dictionary

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1. in.cor.po.rate \in-'ko.r-p*-.ra-t\ \(.)in-.ko.r-p*-'ra--sh*n\ 
   \in-'ko.r-p*-.ra-t-iv, -p(*-)r*t-\ \-p*-.ra-t-*r\ vb [ME incorporaten, fr. 
   LL incorporatus, pp. of incorporare, fr]. L in- + corpor-, corpus body - 
   more at MIDRIFF 1a: to unite thoroughly with or work indistinguishably into 
   something alre ady existent 1b: to admit to membership in a corporation  
   2a: to blend or combine thoroughly to form a consistent whole  2b: to form 
   into a legal corporation  3: to give material form to : EMBODY  1: to unite 
   in or as one body  2: to form or become a corporation  - in.cor.po.ra.tion 
2. in.cor.po.rate \in-'ko.r-p(*-)r*t\ aj : INCORPORATED