Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. join                  
1. unite \yu.-'ni-t\ vb [ME uniten, fr. LL unitus, pp. of unire, fr. L unus 
   one] - more at ONE 1a: to put together to form a single unit  1b: to cause 
   to adhere  1c: to link by a legal or moral bond  2: to possess (as 
   qualities) in combination  1a: to become one or as if one  1b: to become 
   combined by or as if by adhesion or mixture  2: to act in concert  - 
   unit.er n
2. unite \'yu:-.ni-t\ n [obs. unite (united), fr. ME unit, fr. LL unitus, 
   pp.] : an old British gold 20-shilling piece issued first by James I in 
   1604 fo r the newly united England and Scotland