Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. trust territory       
ter.ri.to.ry \'ter-*-.to-r-e-, -.to.r-\ n [ME, fr. L territorium, lit., 
   land around a town, prob. fr. terra l]and + -torium (as in praetorium) - 
   more at TERRACE 1a: a geographical area belonging to or under the 
   jurisdiction of a governm ental authority 1b: an administrative subdivision 
   of a country  1c: a part of the U.S. not included within any state but 
   organized with a s eparate legislature 1d: a geographical area (as a 
   colonial possession) dependent upon an extern al government but having some 
   degree of autonomy 2a: an indeterminate geographical area  2b: a field of 
   knowledge or interest  3a: an assigned area; esp : one in which a salesman 
   or distributor  operates 3b: an area usu. including the nesting or denning 
   site and a variable forag ing range that is preempted and defended by a 
   male bird or mammal