Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ar.tic.u.late \a:r-'tik-y*-l*t\ aj [NL articulatus, fr. L articulus] 1a: 
   divided into syllables or words meaningfully arranged : INTELLIGI BLE 1b: 
   able to speak  1c: expressing or expressed readily, clearly, or effectively 
    2a: consisting of segments united by joints : JOINTED {~ a nimals} 2b: 
   marked into distinct parts  - ar.tic.u.late.ly av
2. ar.tic.u.late \-.la-t\ \-l*t-iv, -.la-t-\ \-.la-t-*r\ vb [L articulatus, 
   pp. of articulare, fr. articulus] 1a: to pronounce distinctly  1b: to give 
   clear and effective utterance to  2a: to unite by means of a joint : JOINT  
   2b: to form or fit into a systematic whole  1: to utter articulate sounds : 
   ENUNCIATE  2: to become united or connected by or as if by a joint  - 
   ar.tic.u.la.tive aj