Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. evident               
dis.tinct \dis-'tin(k)t\ \-'tin(k)-tle-, -'tin-kle-\ \-'tint-n*s, 
   -'tink-n*s\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L distinctus, fr. pp. of distinguere] 1: 
   distinguished from others  2a: capable of being easily perceived : CLEAR  
   2b: well defined  archaic  3: notably decorated  4a: NOTABLE  4b: DECIDED 
   fer to two or more things either not the same or not blended or united. 
   DISTINCT indicates that something is distinguished by the mind or eye as 
   being apart from or different from others; SEPARATE often stresses lack of 
   connection or a difference in identity between two things; SEVERAL 
   indicates distinctness, difference, or separation from similar items: it 
   implies that a group is to be considered one member at a time; DISCRETE 
   strongly emphasizes individuality and lack of physical connection despite 
   apparent similarity or seeming continuity - dis.tinct.ly av SYN syn