Webster's English Dictionary

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bar.bar.ian \ba:r-'ber-e--*n, -'bar-\ \-*-.niz-*m\ aj [L barbarus] 1: of or 
   relating to a land, culture, or people alien and usu. believed to  be 
   inferior to one's own 2: lacking refinement, learning, or artistic or 
   literary culture characteristic of uncivilized man. BARBARIAN often implies 
   a state somewhere between tribal savagery and full civilization; BARBAROUS 
   tends to stress the harsher or more brutal side of uncivilized life; 
   BARBARBIC suggests crudeness of taste and fondness for gorgeous display; 
   SAVAGE suggests more primitive culture than BARBARIAN and greater harshness 
   or fierceness than BARBAROUS - barbarian n SYN syn BARBARIAN, BARBAROUS,