Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. phase                 
1. side \'si-d\ n [ME, fr. OE si-de; akin to OHG si-ta side, OE si-d 
   a]mple, wide, sa-wan to sow - more at SOW 1: the right or left part of the 
   trunk of the body  2: a place, space, or direction with respect to a center 
   or to a line of di vision (as of an aisle, river, or street) 3: a surface 
   forming a border or face of an object  4: an outer portion of a thing 
   considered as facing in a particular directi on {the upper ~ of a sphere} 
   5: a slope or declivity of a hill or ridge  6a: a bounding line of a 
   geometrical figure {~ of a square}  6b: one of the surfaces of a thin 
   object {one ~ of a record} {r ight ~ of the cloth} 7: the space beside one  
   8: the attitude or activity of one person or group with respect to another  
   : PART 9: a body of partisans or contestants {victory for neither ~}  10: a 
   line of descent traced through one's parent {grandfather on his mot her's 
   ~} 11a: an outer portion of something held to face in a particular 
   direction  11b: an aspect or part of something held to be contrasted with 
   some other a spect or part {the better ~ of his nature} 12: a position 
   viewed as opposite to or contrasted with another {two ~ s to every 
   question} 13: one of the halves of the animal body on either side of the 
   mesial plane  14: one longitudinal half of a hide  Brit  15: sideways spin 
   imparted to a billiard ball  16: a sheet containing the lines and cues for 
   a single theatrical role  1: in addition to the main portion  2: in 
   addition to a principal occupation  - on the side 
2. side aj 1a: of or relating to the side  1b: situated on the side {~ 
   window}  2a: directed toward or from the side {~ thrust ~ wind}  2b: 
   INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT {~ issue ~ remark}  2c: made on the side {~ payment}  
   2d: additional to the main portion {~ order of french fries} 
3. side vt 1: to agree with : SUPPORT  2: to be side by side with  3: to 
   set or put aside : clear away {~ dishes}  4: to furnish with sides or 
   siding {~ a house}  : to take sides : join or form sides {sided with the 
4. side n [obs. E side (proud, boastful)] : swaggering or arrogant manner :