Webster's English Dictionary

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in.fe.ri.or \in-'fir-e--*r\ \(.)in-.fir-e--'o.r-*t-e-, -'a:r-\ 
   \in-'fir-e--*r-le-\ aj [ME, fr. L, compar. of inferus - more at UNDER] 1: 
   situated lower down : LOWER  2: of low or lower degree or rank  3: of 
   little or less importance, value, or merit  of an anatomical structure  4a: 
   situated below a similar superior part  4b: situated in a relatively low 
   posterior or ventral position  4c1: situated below another organ  4c2: 
   ABAXIAL  5: SUBSCRIPT  6a: nearer the sun than the earth is {~ planet}  6b: 
   nearer the earth than the sun is {~ conjunction of Venus}  - inferior n