1. blis.ter \'blis-t*r\ \-t(*-)re-\ n [ME, modif. of OF or MD; OF blostre
boil, fr. MD bluyster blister;]akin to OE bl-st blast 1: an elevation
of the epidermis containing watery liquid 2: an enclosed raised spot (as
in paint) resembling a blister 3: an agent that causes blistering 4: a
disease of plants marked by large swollen patches on the leaves 5: any of
various structures that bulge out (as a gunner's compartment on a n
airplane) - blis.tery aj
2. blister \-t(*-)rin\ vb or : to become affected with a
blister 1: to raise a blister on 2a: to administer severe physical
punishment to esp. by whipping 2b: to scorch with words