Webster's English Dictionary

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1. liq.uid \'lik-w*d\ \lik-'wid-*t-e-\ \'lik-w*d-le-\ aj [ME, fr. MF 
   liquide, fr. L liquidus, fr. lique-re to be fl]uid; akin to L lixa water, 
   lye, OIr fliuch damp 1: flowing freely like water  2: neither solid nor 
   gaseous : characterized by free movement of the con stituent molecules 
   among themselves but without the tendency to separate characteristic of 
   gases {~ mercury} 3a: shining clear {large ~ eyes}  3b: being musical and 
   free of harshness in sound  3c: smooth and unconstrained in movement  3d: 
   that is without friction and like a vowel {~ consonant}  4: consisting of 
   or capable of ready conversion into cash {~ asset s}nd suggests a substance 
   that has definite volume but that more or less readily takes the shape of 
   its container; FLUID implies flowing of any kind and is applied to liquids, 
   gases, and melted or viscous substances; figuratively LIQUID suggests 
   drinking, connotes clearness and brightness, and is opposed to fixed; FLUID 
   is opposed to rigid or stiff and may stress extreme susceptibility to 
   change of form or pattern - li.quid.i.ty n SYN syn FLUID: LIQUID implies 
   the flow characteristic of water a 
2. liquid n 1: a liquid substance  2: a liquid consonant