Webster's English Dictionary

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1. blast \'blast\ n [ME, fr. OE bl-st; akin to OHG bla-st blast, OE 
   b]la-wan to blow 1a: a violent gust of wind  1b: the effect or 
   accompaniment of such a gust  2: the sound produced by an impulsion of air 
   through a wind instrument or w histle 3a: a stream forced through a hole  
   3b: a violent outburst  3c: the continuous blowing to which a charge of ore 
   or metal is subjected i n a furnace 4a: a sudden pernicious influence or 
   effect  4b: a disease that suggests the effect of a noxious wind; esp : one 
    of plants that causes the foliage or flowers to wither 5a: an explosion or 
   violent detonation  5b: the charge used esp. for shattering rock  5c: the 
   violent effect produced in the vicinity of an explosion that consis ts of a 
   wave of increased atmospheric pressure followed by a wave of decreased 
   atmospheric pressure 6: SPEED, CAPACITY 
2. blast vi 1: to produce a strident sound  2a: to use an explosive  2b: 
   SHOOT  3: to make a vigorous attack  4: SHRIVEL, WITHER  1a: to injure by 
   or as if by the action of wind  1b: to affect with a blighting influence  
   2: to shatter by or as if by an explosive : DEMOLISH  3a: to apply a force 
   draft to  3b: to strike with explosive force  - blast.er n