Webster's English Dictionary

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bom.bast \'ba:m-.bast\ \-.bas-t*r\ \ba:m-'bas-tik\ n [MF bombace, fr. ML 
   bombac-, bombax cotton, alter. of L bo]mbyc-, bombyx siklworm, silk, fr. Gk 
   bombyk-, bombyx obs  1: cotton or any soft fibrous material used as padding 
    2: pretentious inflated speech or writing bose grandiosity or inflation of 
   style disproportionate to the thought; RHAPSODY applies to an ecstatic or 
   effusive utterance governed by the feelings rather than by logical thought; 
   RANT suggests a sustained violence and extravagance of expression; FUSTIAN 
   suggests a padding out with sonorous or grandiloquent inanities or 
   banalities - bombast aj SYN syn RHAPSODY, RANT, FUSTIAN: BOMBAST implies 