Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fashion               
1. style \'sti-(*)l\ n [ME stile, style, fr. L stilus stake, stylus, style 
   of writin]g; akin to OE stician to stick 1a: an instrument used by the 
   ancients in writing on waxed tablets  1b1: the shadow-producing pin of a 
   sundial  1b2: PEN  1b3: STYLET  1b4: GRAVER  1b5: a phonograph needle  1c: 
   a filiform prolongation of a plant ovary bearing a stigma at its apex  1d: 
   a slender bristle or other elongated process on an animal  2a: mode of 
   expressing thought in language; esp : a manner of expre ssion 
   characteristic of an individual, period, school, or nation {classic ~} 2b: 
   manner or tone assumed in discourse  2c: the custom or plan followed in 
   spelling, capitalization, punctuation, a nd typographic arrangement and 
   display 3: mode of address : TITLE  4a1: manner or method of acting or 
   performing esp. as sanctioned by some st andard 4a2: a distinctive or 
   characteristic manner  4b: a fashionable luxurious mode of life {lived in 
   ~}  4c: overall excellence, skill, or grace in performance, manner, or 
   appearan ce
2. style vt 1: to designate by an identifying term : NAME {~s hi mself 
   scientist} 2a: to cause to conform to a customary style  2b: to design and 
   make in accord with the prevailing mode  - styl.er n