Webster's English Dictionary

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in.flat.ed aj 1: distended with air or gas  2: BOMBASTIC, EXAGGERATED  3: 
   expanded to an abnormal or unjustifiable volume or level  4a: being hollow 
   and distended  4b: open and swelled out or enlarged ended by gas or fluid 
   beyond normal size. INFLATED implies stretching to a point of tension with 
   danger of speedy collapse; FLATULENT implies a distension of the belly by 
   internally generated gases, and suggests figuratively something seemingly 
   full but actually without substance; TUMID stresses morbid enlargement by 
   swelling or bloating or figuratively verbosity and empty pretentiousness of 
   style; TURGID may differ from TUMID in implying a normal fullness or 
   distension; figuratively it suggests disorder and lack of emotional 
   restraint in style SYN syn INFLATED, FLATULENT, TUMID, TURGID mean dist