Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bul.ly \'bu.l-e-\ n [prob. modif. of D boel lover, fr. MHG buole] 
   archaic  1a: SWEETHEART  1b: a fine chap  2a: a blustering browbeating 
   fellow; esp : one habitually cruel to  others weaker than himself 2b: the 
   protector of a prostitute : PIMP  3a: a hired ruffian  dial Brit  3b: a 
   fellow workman 
2. bully aj 1: EXCELLENT, FIRST-RATE - often used interjectionally  2: 
   resembling or characteristic of a bully 
3. bully vt : to act the part of a bully toward : DOMINEER to act as a 
   bully  : BLUSTER
4. bully aj : VERY, OUTSTANDINGLY 
5. bully n [prob. modif. of F (boeuf) boulli boiled beef] : pickled or 
   canned usu. corned beef