Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pros.ti.tute \'pra:s-t*-.t(y)u:t\ \-.t(y)u:t-*r\ vt [L prostitutus, pp. 
   of prostituere, fr. pro- before + stat]uere to station - more at PRO-, 
   STATUTE 1: to offer indiscriminately for sexual intercourse esp. for money  
   2: to devote to corrupt or unworthy purposes : DEBASE  - pros.ti.tu.tor n
2. prostitute aj : devoted to corrupt purposes : PROSTITUTED 
3. prostitute n 1: a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse 
   esp. for money :  WHORE 2: a person who deliberately debases himself for 
   consideration (as money)