Cross references:
1. estimate
1. rate \'ra-t\ vb [ME raten] 1: to rebuke angrily or violently obs 2: to
drive away by scolding : to voice angry reprimands
2. rate n [ME, fr. MF, fr. ML rata, fr. L (pro) rata (parte) acco]rding to
a fixed proportion 1a: reckoned value : VALUATION obs 1b: ESTIMATION obs
2: a fixed quantity 3a: a fixed ratio between two things 3b: a charge,
payment, or price fixed according to a ratio, scale, or stand ard : as 3b1:
a charge per unit of a public-service commodity 3b2: a charge per unit of
freight or passenger service 3b3: a unit charge or ratio used by a
government for assessing property tax es Brit 3b4: a local tax 4a: a
quantity, amount, or degree of something measured per unit of somethi ng
else 4b: an amount of payment or charge based on another amount; specif ::
the amount of premium per unit of insurance 5: relative condition or
quality : CLASS : in any case : at least - at any rate
3. rate vt obs 1: ALLOT 2: CONSIDER, REGARD 3a: APPRAISE, ESTIMATE 3b:
to determine or assign the relative rank or class of : GRADE 3c: to
estimate the normal capacity or power of 4: to fix the amount of premium
to be charged per unit of insurance on 5: to have a right to : DESERVE {~
special privileges} : to be of consequence