Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. same                  
1. very \'ver-e-\ aj [ME verray, verry, fr. OF verai, fr. (assumed) VL 
   veracus)X, alter. of L verac-, verax truthful, fr. verus true; akin to OE 
   w-r true, OHG wa-ra trust, care, Gk e-ra (acc.) favor 1a: properly 
   entitled to the name or designation : TRUE  1b: ACTUAL, REAL  1c: SIMPLE, 
   PLAIN {in ~ truth}  2a: EXACT, PRECISE {~ heart of the city}  2b: exactly 
   suitable or necessary {the ~ thing for the purpose}  3a: ABSOLUTE, UTTER 
   {the veriest fool alive}  3b: SHEER, UNQUALIFIED {the ~ shame of it}  4: 
   MERE, BARE {the ~ thought terrified him}  5: SELFSAME, IDENTICAL {the ~ man 
2. very av 1: to a high degree : EXCEEDINGLY {a ~ hot day} {~)R much 
   better} 2: in actual fact : TRULY {the ~ best store in town} { told the ~ 
   same story}