Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. element               
car.bon \'ka:r-b*n\ n [F carbone, fr. L carbon-, carbo ember, charcoal] 
   often attrib  1: a nonmetallic chiefly tetravalent element found native (as 
   in the diamon d and graphite) or as a constituent of coal, petroleum, and 
   asphalt, of limestone and other carbonates, and of organic compounds or 
   obtained artificially in varying degrees of purity esp. as carbon black, 
   lampblack, activated carbon, charcoal, and coke 2a: a sheet of carbon paper 
    2b: CARBON COPY  3a: a carbon rod used in an arc lamp  3b: a piece of 
   carbon used as an element in a voltaic cell