1. sheet \'she-t\ \\ n [ME shete, fr. OE scy-te; akin to OE sce-otan
to shoot]- more at SHOOT 1a: a broad piece of cloth; esp : an oblong of
usu. linen or cotton cloth used as an article of bedding next to the
person 1b: SAIL 2a: a usu. rectangular piece of paper; specif : one of
full manufac tured size 2b: a printed signature for a book esp. before it
has been folded, cut, or bound - usu. used in pl. 2c: a newspaper,
periodical, or occasional publication 2d: the unseparated postage stamps
printed by one impression of a plate on a single piece of paper; also : a
pane of stamps 3: a broad stretch or surface of something {~ of ice} 4: a
suspended or moving expanse (as of fire or rain) 5a: a portion of
something that is thin in comparison to its length and bre adth 5b: a flat
baking utensil of tinned metal usu. with a lip on the front edge for
handling - aj
2. sheet vt 1: to cover with a sheet : SHROUD 2: to furnish with sheets
3: to form into sheets : to fall, spread, or flow in a sheet
3. sheet aj 1: rolled or spread out in a sheet 2: of, relating to, or
concerned with the making of sheet metal
4. sheet n [ME shete, fr. OE sce-ata lower corner of a sail; akin to OE
]scy-te sheet 1: a rope or chain that regulates the angle at which a sail
is set in relat ion to the wind pl 2: the spaces at either end of an open
boat not occupied by thwarts : for esheets and stern sheets together