Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. measure               
rod \'ra:d\ \-l*s\ \-.li-k\ n [ME, fr. OE rodd; akin to ON rudda club] 1a1: 
   a straight slender stick growing on or cut from a tree or bush  1a2: OSIER  
   1a3: a stick or bundle of twigs used to punish; also : PUNISHMEN T 1a4: a 
   shepherd's cudgel  1a5: a pole with a line and usu. a reel attached for 
   fishing  1b1: a slender bar (as of wood or metal)  1b2: a bar or staff for 
   measuring  1b3: SCEPTER; also : a wand or staff carried as a badge of of 
   fice (as of marshal) 2a: a unit of length  2b: a square rod  3: any of the 
   long rod-shaped sensory bodies in the retina responsive to fa int light 4: 
   a bacterium shaped like a rod  slang  5: PISTOL  - rod.less aj