Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cer.e.mo.ni.al \.ser-*-'mo--ne--*l\ \-*-.liz-*m\ \-*-l*st\ \-*-le-\ aj : 
   of, relating to, or forming a ceremony M and CEREMONIOUS both imply strict 
   attention to what is prescribed by custom or by state or church ritual, but 
   CEREMONIAL applies to things that are themselves ceremonies or an essential 
   part of them {a ceremonial offering}, CEREMONIOUS to persons addicted to 
   ceremony or to acts attended by ceremony {a ceremonious old man} FORMAL 
   applies both to things prescribed and to persons obedient to custom and may 
   suggest stiff, restrained, or old-fashioned behavior; CONVENTIONAL implies 
   accord with general custom and usage and may suggest a stodgy lack of 
   originality or independence - cer.e.mo.ni.al.ism n SYN syn CEREMONIOUS, 
2. ceremonial n : a ceremonial act, action, or system