Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. agree                  2. grant                 
1. ac.cord \*-'ko.(*)rd\ vb [ME accorden, fr. OF acorder, fr. (assumed) VL 
   accordare, fr.] L ad- + cord-, cor heart - more at HEART 1: to bring into 
   agreement : RECONCILE  2a: to grant as suitable or proper  2b: ALLOW  2c: 
   AWARD  2d: ALLOT  archaic  1: to arrive at an agreement  obs  2: to give 
   consent  3: to be in harmony 
2. accord n [ME, fr. OF acort, fr. acorder] 1: AGREEMENT, CONFORMITY  2: 
   balanced interrelationship : HARMONY  obs  3: ASSENT  4: voluntary or 
   spontaneous impulse to act