Webster's English Dictionary

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1. chalk \'cho.k\ \'cho.-ke-\ n [ME, fr. OE cealc; akin to OHG & MLG kalk 
   lime; all fr. a prehistor]ic WGmc word borrowed fr. L calc-, calx lime, fr. 
   Gk chalix pebble; akin to Gk skallein to hoe 1a: a soft white, gray, or 
   buff limestone chiefly composed of the shells of  foraminifers 1b: chalk or 
   a chalky material esp. when used in the form of a crayon  2a: a mark made 
   with chalk  Brit  2b: a point scored in a game  - chalky aj
2. chalk vt 1: to rub or mark with chalk  2: to write or draw with chalk  
   3a: to delineate roughly : SKETCH  3b: to set down or add up : TOT  : to 
   become chalky