Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. pull                  
1. draw \'dro.\ \'dru:\ \'dro.n\ vb or drew;  or drawn or draw.ing [ME 
   drawen, dragen, fr. OE dragan; akin to ON draga to]draw, drag and perh. to 
   L trahere to pull, draw 1: to cause to move continuously toward or after a 
   force applied in advanc e : HAUL, DRAG 2: to cause to go in a certain 
   direction (as by leading) {drew him  aside} 3a: ATTRACT, ENTICE {honey ~s 
   flies}  3b: PROVOKE, ROUSE {drew enemy fire}  4: INHALE  5a: to bring or 
   pull out {~ a sword}  5b: to force out from cover or possession {~ trumps}  
   5c: to extract the essence from {~ tea}  5d: EVISCERATE  6: to require (a 
   specified depth) to float in  7a: ACCUMULATE, GAIN {~ing interest}  7b: to 
   take (money) from a place of deposit  7c: WITHDRAW  7d: to receive 
   regularly from a source {~ a salary}  8a: to take (cards) from a stack or 
   the dealer  8b: to receive or take at random {drew a winning number}  9: to 
   bend (a bow) by pulling back the string  10: to cause to shrink or pucker  
   11: to strike (a ball) so as to impart a backward spin  12: to leave (a 
   contest) undecided : TIE  13a: to produce a likeness of by making lines on 
   a surface : DELINEAT E 13b: to write out in due form {~ a will}  13c: to 
   design or describe in detail : FORMULATE {~ compar isons} 14: DEDUCE {~ a 
   conclusion}  15: to spread or elongate (metal) by hammering or by pulling 
   through dies  1: to move or go steadily or gradually {night ~s near}  2: to 
   exert an attractive force  3a: to pull back a bowstring  3b: to bring out a 
   weapon {drew, aimed, and fired}  4a: to produce or allow a draft {chimney 
   ~s well}  4b: to swell out in a wind {all sails ~ing}  5a: to wrinkle or 
   pucker up : SHRINK  5b: to change shape by pulling or stretching  6a: to 
   cause blood or pus to localize at one point  6b: STEEP  7: to create a 
   likeness or a picture in outlines : SKETCH  8: to come out even in a 
   contest  9a: to make a written demand for payment of money or deposit  9b: 
   to obtain supplies 
2. draw n 1: the act, process, or result of drawing  2: something that is 
   drawn : as  2a: a card drawn to replace a discard in poker  2b: a lot or 
   chance drawn at random  2c: the movable part of a drawbridge  3: a contest 
   left undecided or deadlocked : TIE  4: something that draws attention or 
   patronage  5a: the distance from the string to the back of a drawn bow  5b: 
   the force required to draw a bow fully  6: a gully shallower than a ravine  
   7: the deal in draw poker to improve the players' hands after discarding