1. com.mune \k*-'myu:n\ vi [ME communen to converse, administer Communion,
fr. MF comunier to]converse, administer or receive Communion, fr. LL
communicare, fr. L 1: to receive Communion 2: to communicate intimately {~
with nature}
2. com.mune \'ka:m-.yu:n, k*-'myu:n\ n [F, alter. of MF comugne, fr. ML
communia, fr. L, neut. pl. of c]ommunis 1: the smallest administrative
district of many countries esp. in Europe 2: COMMONALTY 3: COMMUNITY : as
3a: a medieval usu. municipal corporation 3b1: MIR 3b2: a usu. rural
community organized on a communal basis