Webster's English Dictionary

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re.ceive \ri-'se-v\ vb [ME receiven, fr. ONF receivre, fr. L recipere, fr. 
   re-] + capere to take - more at HEAVE 1: to take or come into possession of 
   : GET  2a1: to take in : HOLD  2a2: CONTAIN  2b: to take in through the 
   mind or senses  3a: to permit to enter : ADMIT  3b: WELCOME, GREET  4: to 
   accept as true : BELIEVE  5a: TAKE, BEAR {some clay ~s clear impressions> 
   5b: UNDERGO, EXPERIENCE {received his early schooling  at home} 1: to be a 
   recipient  2: to be at home to visitors {~s on Tuesdays}  3: to convert 
   incoming radio waves into perceptible signals ies passiveness in the one 
   receiving; ACCEPT implies some element of consent or approval but a minimum 
   of definite activity; ADMIT may often suggest a relaxation of refusal or 
   denial or an overcoming of reluctance to receive or accept; TAKE applies to 
   a receiving by letting into one's hands, mind, or possession and implies a 
   positive act SYN syn ACCEPT, ADMIT, TAKE: RECEIVE ordinarily impl