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com.mu.ni.cate \k*-'myu:-n*-.ka-t\ \-.ka-t-*r\ vb [L communicatus, pp. of 
   communicare to impart. participate, fr. ]communis common - more at MEAN 
   archaic  1: SHARE  2a: to make known {~ the news}  2b: TRANSFER, TRANSMIT 
   {~ a disease}  1: to receive Communion  2: to have communication {~ by 
   mail}  3: JOIN, CONNECT {the rooms ~}  intangible. COMMUNICATE implies 
   making common to all what one presently possesses; IMPART suggests using 
   another or others to have what is primarily one's own - com.mu.ni.ca.tor n 
   SYN syn COMMUNICATE, IMPART mean to convey or transfer something