Cross references:
1. speak
1. con.verse \k*n-'v*rs\ vi [ME conversen, fr. MF converser, fr. L
conversari to live, ke]ep company with, fr. conversus, pp. of convertere to
turn around archaic 1a: to become occupied or engaged 1b: to have
acquaintance or familiarity 2: to engage in conversation : TALK - n
2. con.verse \'ka:n-.v*rs\ n obs 1: INTERCOURSE 2: CONVERSATION
3. con.verse \k*n-'v*rs, 'ka:n-.\ aj [L conversus, pp. of convertere] :
reversed in order, relation, or action - av
4. con.verse \'ka:n-.v*rs\ n : something converse to another; esp : a
proposition in logic obta ined by conversion