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ru.ral \'ru.(*)r-*l\ \-*-.liz-*m\ \-l*st\ \ru.(*)r-'al-*t-e-\ 
   \.ru.r-*-l*-'za--sh*n\ \'ru.r-*-.li-z\ \-*-le-\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L 
   ruralis, fr. rur-, rus open land - more]at ROOM : of or relating to the 
   country, country people or life, or agriculture teristic of the country. 
   RURAL suggests open country and farming; RUSTIC suggests more clearly a 
   contrast with city life and connotes rudeness and lack of polish; PASTORAL 
   implies an idealized simplicity and peacefulness and apartness from the 
   world; BUCOLIC is stronger than RUSTIC in suggesting loutishness - 
   ru.ral.ism n SYN syn RURAL, RUSTIC, PASTORAL, BUCOLIC mean charac