Webster's English Dictionary

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1. com.promise \'ka:m-pr*-.mi-z\ n [ME, mutual promise to abide by an 
   arbiter's decision, fr. MF compromis,]fr. L compromissum, fr. neut. of 
   compromissus, pp. of compromittere to promise mutually, fr. com- + 
   promittere to promise - more at PROMISE 1a: the process or a result of 
   settlement by arbitration or by consent reac hed by mutual concessions 1b: 
   something blending the characteristics of two others  2: a committal to 
   something prejudicial : SURRENDER 
2. compromise vt obs  1: to bind by mutual agreement  2: to adjust or 
   settle by mutual concessions  3: to expose to discredit or mischief  1: to 
   come to agreement by concession  2: to make a shameful or disreputable 
   concession  - com.pro.mis.er n