Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. show                  
1. ex.pose \ik-'spo-z\ vt [ME exposen, fr. MF exposer, fr. L exponere to 
   set forth, exp]lain (perf. indic. exposui), fr. ex- + ponere to put, place 
   - more at POSITION0 1a: to deprive of shelter, protection, or care {~ 
   troops needlessl y} 1b: to submit or subject to an action or influence; 
   specif : to su bject (a sensitive photographic film, plate, or paper) to 
   the action of radiant energy 1c: to abandon (an infant) esp. by leaving in 
   the open : DESERT  2: to lay open to view : as  2a: to offer publicly for 
   sale  2b: to exhibit for public veneration  2c: to reveal the face of (a 
   playing card)  3a: to bring to light (as something shameful) : UNMASK  3b: 
   to disclose the faults or crimes of {~ a murderer}  - ex.pos.er n
2. ex.po.se or ex.po.se \.ek-(.)spo--'za-, -sp*-\ n [F expose`, fr. pp. of 
   exposer] 1: a formal recital or exposition of facts : STATEMENT  2: an 
   exposure of something discreditable