Webster's English Dictionary

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come \'k*m, sometimes without stress when a stress follows\ \'ka-m\ 
   \'k*m-in\ vb or came;  or come or com.ing [ME comen, fr. OE cuman; akin to 
   OHG queman to come, L ven]ire, Gk bainein to walk, go 1a: to move toward 
   something : APPROACH {~ here}  1b: to move toward or enter a scene of 
   action or into a field of interest  - used with an implication of purpose 
   {he came to see us} 1c: to reach a particular station in a series {now we ~ 
   to the sec tion on health} 1d1: to approach in kind or quality {this ~s 
   near perfection } 1d2: to result in {his plans ~ to naught}  1d3: to reach 
   a condition through change {their fury came to a boi l} 1e1: to advance 
   toward maturity or a culminating state {the job is co ming nicely} 1e2: to 
   advance in a particular manner {~ running when I call}  1e3: to advance, 
   rise, or improve in rank or condition {general had ~  up through the ranks} 
   1f: to get along : FARE  1g: EXTEND {her dress came to her ankles}  2a1: to 
   arrive at a particular place, end, result, or conclusion {cam e to his 
   senses} {~ untied} 2a2: AMOUNT {taxes ~ to more than it's worth}  2b: to 
   appear to the mind {the answer came to him}  2c: HAPPEN, OCCUR {no harm 
   will ~ to you}  2d1: ORIGINATE, ARISE {wine ~s from grapes} <~ of sturdy 
   stock} 2d2: to be or have been a native or resident {he ~s from Tor onto} 
   2e: to enter or assume a condition, relation, use, or position {artiller y 
   came into action} 2f: to fall within a field of view or a range of 
   application {this ~)Rs within the terms of the treaty} 2g: to issue forth 
   {sob came from her throat}  2h: to take form {churn till the butter ~s}  
   2i: to be available {this model ~s in several sizes} : (MEXIST {as good as 
   they ~} 2j: to experience orgasm  3: to fall to a person in a division or 
   inheritance of property  4: to become moved favorably : RELENT  5: to 
   require a specified exertion or expenditure {good clothes ~  high} {easy ~, 
   easy go} 6: BECOME {portrait seemed to ~ alive} {things will ~  clear if we 
   are patient} 1: to approach or be near (an age) {child coming eight years 
   old> 2: to act or play the part of {~ the stern parent}  : to meet or find 
   by chance  : to reach a mastery of : ATTAIN  chiefly Midland  1: VISIT  2: 
   ACQUIRE  : to acquire as an inheritance  : to cease to utter pretentious or 
   foolish talk {come off it}  1: SURVIVE  2: GIVE, PROVIDE  : HAPPEN - used 
   with it  - come across