Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. reciprocal            
mu.tu.al \'myu:ch-(*-)w*l, 'myu:-ch*l\ \-e-\ aj [ME, fr. MF mutuel, fr. L 
   mutuus lent, borrowed, mutual; akin to L]mutare to change - more at MISS 
   1a: given and received in equal amount  1b: having the same feelings one 
   for the other  1c: COMMON  1d: JOINT  2: characterized by intimacy  3: of 
   or relating to a plan whereby the members of an organization share i n the 
   profits and expenses; specif : of, relating to, or taking the form of an 
   insurance method in which the policyholders constitute the members of the 
   insuring company - mu.tu.al.ly av