Webster's English Dictionary

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1. prom.ise \'pra:m-*s\ n [ME promis, fr. L promissum, fr. neut. of 
   promissus, pp. of (Xpromittere to send forth, promise, fr. pro- forth + 
   mittere to send - more at PRO-, SMITE 1a: a declaration that one will do or 
   refrain from doing something specifie d 1b: a declaration that gives the 
   person to whom it is made a right to expec t or to claim the performance or 
   forbearance of a specified act 2: ground for expectation usu. of success, 
   improvement, or excellence  3: something that is promised 
2. promise vt 1: to engage to do, bring about, or provide {~ aid}  archaic  
   2: WARRANT, ASSURE  chiefly dial  3: BETROTH  4: to suggest beforehand : 
   FORETOKEN {dark clouds ~ rain> 1: to make a promise  2: to give ground for 
   expectation : be imminent  - prom.is.er n