Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. appropriate           
1. con.fis.cate \'ka:n-f*-.ska-t, k*n-'fis-k*t\ aj [L confiscatus, pp. of 
   confiscare to confiscate, fr. com- + (Xfiscus treasure - more at FISCAL 1: 
   appropriated by the government : FORFEITED  2: deprived of property by 
2. con.fis.cate \'ka:n-f*-.ska-t\ \.ka:n-f*-'ska--sh*n\ 
   \'ka:n-f*-.ska-t-er\ \k*n-'fis-k*-.to-r-e-, -.to.r-\ vt 1: to seize as 
   forfeited to the public treasury  2: to seize by authority  - 
   con.fis.ca.tion n