Cross references:
1. take
seize or seise or seise \'se-z\ \'se-z\ vb [ME saisen, fr. OF saisir to put
in possession of, fr. ML sacire], of Gmc origin; akin to OHG sezzen to set
- more at SET usu 1a: to vest ownership of a freehold estate in often
1b: to put in possession of something {the biographer will be seized)X of
all pertinent papers} 2a: to take possession of : CONFISCATE 2b: to take
possession of by legal process 3a: to possess or take by force : capture
3b: to take prisoner : ARREST 4a: to take hold of : CLUTCH 4b: to possess
oneself of : GRASP 4c: to understand fully and distictly : APPREHEND 5a:
to attack or overwhelm physically : AFFLICT 5b: to possess (one's mind)
completely or overwhelmingly 6: to bind or fasten together with a lashing
of small stuff (as yarn, marl ine, or fine wire) 1: to take or lay hold
suddenly or forcibly 2: to cohere to a relatively moving part through
excessive pressure, tempe rature, or friction - n