Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. quality               
property \'pra:p-*rt-e-\ n [ME proprete, fr. MF proprete`, fr. L 
   proprietat-, propri]etas, fr. proprius own 1a: a quality or trait belonging 
   and esp. peculiar to an individual or thin g 1b: an effect that an object 
   has on another object or on the senses  1c: VIRTUE  1d: an attribute common 
   to all members of a class  2a: something owned or possessed; specif : a 
   piece of real estate  2b: the exclusive right to possess, enjoy, and 
   dispose of a thing : OW NERSHIP 2c: something to which a person has a legal 
   title  3: an article or object used in a play or motion picture except 
   painted sce nery and actors' costumes