Webster's English Dictionary

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  1. fit                   
1. ap.pro.pri.ate \*-'pro--pre--.a-t\ \-.a-t-*r\ vt [ME appropriaten, fr. 
   LL appropriatus, pp. of appropriare, fr]. L ad- + proprius own 1: to take 
   exclusive possession of : ANNEX  2: to set apart for or assign to a 
   particular purpose or use  3: to take without permission NFISCATE mean to 
   seize high-handedly. APPROPRIATE stresses making something one's own or 
   converting to one's own use without authority or with questionable right; 
   PREEMPT implies beforehandedness in taking something desired or needed by 
   others; ARROGATE implies insolence, presumption, and exclusion of others in 
   seizing rights, powers, or functions; USURP implies unlawful or unwarranted 
   intrusion into the place of another and seizure of what is his by custom, 
   right, or law; CONFISCATE always implies seizure through exercise of 
   authority - ap.pro.pri.a.tor n SYN syn APPROPRIATE, PREEMPT, ARROGATE, 
2. ap.pro.pri.ate \*-'pro--pre--*t\ aj : especially suitable or compatible 
   : FITTING  - ap.pro.pri.ate.ly av